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유준 교수(부경대학교 화학공학과), Elsevier의 Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments(IF=8.0)라는 학술지 특별호 편집

공지일시: 2024-05-03 15:24:48

안녕하세요, 부경대학교 화학공학과에 근무하고 있는 유준 교수입니다.

제가 Elsevier의 Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments(IF=8.0)라는 학술지에 다음과 같은 특별호를 편집하게 되어 안내 드리니, 관련 연구를 하시는 연구자분들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 자세한 내용은 첨부를 참고하시기 바랍니다.


Green Decision-Making in Hydrogen-based Sustainable Energy Grids

Green decision-making mechanisms utilize various optimization tools, control methods, multi-criteria decision-making approaches, and LCA-based assessment techniques which can substantially reduce emissions in energy grids. This special issue aims to delve into the intricate interplay between environmental considerations and decision-making within the nascent world of hydrogen-based energy systems. The topics of interest are as follows:

 • Hydrogen from renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.)

 • Life cycle assessment in hydrogen-based energy systems

 • Integration of electrolyser technologies

 • P2H, H2P technologies and grid integration

 • Grid considerations of Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV)

 • Hydrogen for electrification of transportation systems

 • Hydrogen-based microgrids: design and operation

 • Renewable energy for hydrogen production

 • Hydrogen and uncertainty management in sustainable energy grids

 • Grid considerations of hydrogen refueling station

 • Resilience of hydrogen-based energy grids

 • Hydrogen-energy-water nexus for power system

 • Electricity market and trading issues of hydrogen in sustainable grids

 • Hydrogen-based technologies in critical energy challenges: smart buildings, clusters, or smart grids